
One primary aim of modern wound care is to preserve tissues that are still intact, and to support areas that have been damaged.

PRO.MED. can supply a wide range of high quality sutures, created from biocompatible starting materials, guarantee reliable tissue tolerance.

High quality sutures

Can be employed specifically in any form of wound care in different type of surgical procedures of geeral surgery and specialties:

General Surgery

Digestive System





Plastic Surgery





A unique dispensing system designed to deliver ease of suture dispensing with minimal memory in the suture strand.

Robust manufacturing process and superior primary aluminum packaging ensure least moisture content in the suture foil. Ensures strength and sterility of the product is maintained throughout the shelf life of 5 years.

Absorbable Sutures

Absorbable suture materials hold wound edges in place during the healing phase; they support the natural healing process until form and function are restored. They are subsequently metabolised by the body.

AMS Absorbable Sutures provide a predictable absorption profile to meet your surgical needs and tissue healing requirements thanks to:

Knots security

Problem-free disintegration and elimination

For tissue adaptations where the need for mechanical support is time-restricted

Optimum biocompatibility due to the chemical properties and refinements


Polyglactin – 910

ADVACRYL suture is a braided synthetic absorbable sterile surgical suture composed of a copolymer made from 90% Glycolide and 10% L-lactide. The braided ADVACRYL suture is coated with a mixture composed of Poly (Glycolide-co-lactide) (Glacomer 37) and calcium stearate. The suture is colored violet to increase visibility and is also available undyed.


Fast absorbing Polyglactin-910

ADVACRYL RAPID is a braided synthetic absorbable sterile surgical suture composed of a copolymer made from 90% Glycolide and 10% L-lactide. Fast absorbing sutire guarantee short term healing support.



ADVAMRYL suture is a monofilament synthetic absorbable surgical suture prepared from a copolymer of Glycolide and epsilon-caprolactone. ADVAMRYL suture is colored violet to increase visibility and is also available undyed.



ADVAPD suture is a synthetic absorbable sterile surgical suture composed of a copolymer made from polyester and Polydioxanone. ADVAPD is ideal for fascia closure.

Non-absorbable sutures

Non-absorbable suture materials remain virtually unchanged in body tissues.

AMS Non-Absorbable Sutures provide superior tensile strength for permanent wound support to meet a variety of procedural needs and tissue healing requirements and guarantee lasting support and best biotolerance, which is especially essential for long-term implants.

Optimal tissue compatibility in the body due to the careful selection of materials and refining process

Long-term durability with simultaneous optimal biocompatibility

Good tissue passage



ADVALENE suture is a non-absorbable, sterile surgical suture composed of an isotactic crystalline stereoisomer of polypropylene. The suture is colored blue to enhance visibility.



ADVABOND with Pledget suture is a sterile, coated, braided, synthetic, non-absorbable surgical suture composed of Polyethylene Terephthalate.



ADVALON suture is a non-absorbable, sterile surgical monofilament suture composed of the long-chain aliphatic polymers Nylon 6 and Nylon 6.6. ADVALON suture is dyed black to enhance visibility in tissue.


Braided Silk

ADVASYL suture is a non-absorbable, sterile, surgical suture composed of an organic protein called fibroin, derived from the domesticated species Bombyx mori (B. mori). The suture is processed to remove the natural waxes and sericin gum, dyed black, and coated with a wax mixture to reduce capillarity and increase surface lubricity, which enhances handling characteristics, ease of passage through tissue, and knot run-down properties.

Aghi Chirurgici

Gli aghi chirurgici ricoprono un ruolo fondamentale per permettere il passaggio delle suture con il minor trauma possibile per i tessuti. La resistenza/forza dell’ago, la forma e le dimensioni, le varie tipologie di punta, ma soprattutto la lega di acciaio con cui sono prodotti sono caratteristiche sostenziali per la qualità dell’ago e della sutura stessa.

Le varie fasi di lavorazione (scelta della lega d’acciaio, tempra, trattamento termico, smussatura, microfinitura, lucidatura, coating) sono fondamentali per raggiungere la migliore qualità dell’ago a seconda dell’utilizzo finale cui è destinato.

In compliance with dispositions and guidelines of the Ministry of Health, the consultation of the contents of the site is aimed at professional operators. The information (texts, images, photos, drawings, attachments, etc.) related to Medical Devices and Medical-Diagnostic Devices, available in the website, are for information only.